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Sunday, May 30, 2010

Materials required:
Cooked Rice-2 cups
The rice and water should be in 1:2 ratio
Tamarind-size of a  big lime
Oil-4tbspsfor seasoning
Green chillis6 to 7(slits)
Red chillies 4 nos
made into slits
Ginger 1/2 "piece
finely chopped
Haldhi a pinch
Curry leaves
Mustard seeds-1 tsp
Methi seeds a pinch
Hing a pinch
Red chilli powder 1/4 th tsp
Methi powder 1/4 th tsp
Sugar 1/4 th tsp
Channa daal 1 tbsp
Urad daal 1 tbsp
Jeera 1/2 tsp
Cashew or ground nuts 2 tbsp
First of all soak tamarind in hot water and extract pulp from it,do this 1 to 2 times extra so that the juice is fully extracted from the pulp. Place a pan on the stove and add 1tbsp of oil,after heating add redchilli slits,hing ,haldhi,finely chopped ginger pieces, next add tamarind pulp and after that onefourth tsp of redchilli powder,sugar,methi powderand salt.Cook in a low flame,see that it boils and the tamarind pulp becomes a thick consistant paste.(See that all the water is evaporated)Swich off the stove and let it cool.
Cook rice is cooked seperately.Then after it is cooked ,place the rice in a seperate flat bottomed bowl,spread it and mix a pinch of haldhi and salt and 1 tbsp oil,and  mix evenly.See that by mixing speedly the rice is not mashed,and see that the rice grains remain seperately,dryly un mashed.
Then mix the tamarind paste and rice together(donot add the whole tamarind paste,first of all add 1 to 2 tbsp,then adjust according to your taste,by tasting it)
Next place a pan and add 2 tbsp of oil,and after heating add channa daal,urad dal,mustard seeds,a pinch of methi seeds,green chilli slits,jeera,hing and again a few curry leaves.After spluttering,switch off then add this seasoning to the tamarind rice and mix well.Taste it and adjust the sourness,and place  in a serving bowl.Allow it to settle for 2 hrs,the sorness will be settled and it tastes good.

The remaining tamarind paste can be stored in a dry glass bottle,after it is completely cooled.Store in a fridge
and it stays fresh for atleast 20 days.
A tbsp of sesame seeds along with one redchilli should be dry roasted,make it in to powder and mix it in tamarind rice.It tastes yummy.


Saturday, May 29, 2010


A commonly made sweet  dish with fresh curds,and mango.Asweet liked by children very much,
which can be made very easily.


Thick Curds-2 cups(curds should be fresh)

(strain the curds in a soft muslin cloth for a minimum of 2 hrs)

Milk 1 tbsp

Sugar 1 cup

(for asthamatics use sugar candy powderin limited qtys)

Mango pulp 1 cup


small badam pieces


After hanging fresh curds in a soft cloth for 2 to 3 hrs,all the water will be strained

and the soft curds will be in the form of paste.Place the curds in a bowl,add a cup
 of sugar,and let it remain for 15 mins,it will be settled,then mix well .Next add mango pulp
and 1/2 tsp of cardamom powder ,one tbsp of milk(optional)and mix thoroughly.Lastly add
 a bit of badam flakes
and transfer  into  a dish.Garnish with badam flakes,and freeze it for atleast 1 to 1 1/2 hrs
before serving. Serve chilled.


A very soft,less spicy food is done very easily in indian kitchens.When ladies
feel lazy cooking all 3 to 4 items for meals this is a substitute which is very

easily done.Also when there is shortage for vegetables in the fridge then this

dish can be prepared.


200 gms rice well washed and cooked

Ratio of rice and water should be 1:2

1 cup of curry leaves

they should be fresh,and well cleaned

2 tsp of channa daal

2 tsp of urad daal

1/2 spoon jeera

1/2 tsp black pepper corns

or 2 to 3 pinches of pepper powder

Oil 1 tsp

Green chilles 3 nos (slits)

Salt to taste

Lemon juice 1 spoon

For seasoning:

Oil 1 tsp

1 tsp mustard seeds

Apinch of hing

1/4 tsp channadaal

1/4 tsp urad daal

Haldi a pinch


Place a pan on the stove add oil to it.After heating add channa daal,urad daal,pepper,lastly jeera

and fry it till brown.Remove from fire and keep aside,the add the curry leaves and fry with

1/2 tsp oil,they should not be over fried .Let them cool,after cooling dry grind channa &

urad daals first coarsely,add fried karvepaku and again dry grind it coarsely.Keep it aside.

Again place a small pan add seasoning items one bye one,channa daal,urad dal green mirchi,

mustard seeds,haldhi and hing,and a very few curry leaves ,toss well.Immediately,Add the

cooked rice ,and dry grinded powder of (curry leaves and daals) and salt in the pan

mix well for a min in low flame.Switch off the stove,and mix lime juice well.

Serve hot with raitha or any curry you like.

You may add even a cup of fried chopped onions to this dish.
I learnt it from cookery column published  in magazines


Friday, May 28, 2010

A few tips which make a teenage a beautiful age.

  • Teenage beauty-a special rewarding word for teenage girls.Beauty at teenage is a problamatic age,coping both with under and over active glands causing various skin problems like acne,pimples and open pores,not only these and they suffer from  either under weight or over weight problems.
  • If a girl is overweight ,or if it is a heridatory,then she has to switch to more fruits ,vegetables and milk.And has to avoid all cakes pastries and icecreams,and junkfood ,and sugar based cooldrinks.
  • But if a girl is underweight,she has to choose foods with proteins and vitamins.She should not skip meals and substitute them with snacks and drinks at odd intervels.
  • Besides having a good diet ,should sleep for atleast 8 hours a day,coz the cells in the body can repair and renew themselves when a person is asleep.
  • Exercise in open air,go for long brisk walks either in the morn or eve,to keep yourself fit. 
  • During the teenage only,the skin will be getting rough,and the skin pores will be accumilated by the secretions leading to pimples ,acne,and marks.To avoid these skin problems,keep your skin clean by having baths thoroughly atleast 2  times a day.
  • Steam your face twice a week.Then apply a herbal face mask ,which not only cleans the skin but also purifies the facial skin,thus making it function noramally.
  • This is the age where you can care a little more what you look alike. Regarding making over ,use compact on the face,wear lipstic of lightest shade or you may go with a lipgloss.And for marriage functions and parties,if  your skin is acne prone skip off the heavy make up and foundation.Do not atleast attempt for a foundation or so,and beware of  oily skin which turns horrible with foundation.
  • Instead of mascara,apply a little castor oil on your eye lashes before bath.This will encourage their growth.And for parties or get togethers a little application of eyeliner may be suggested.
  • And  as for nail polish use palest of pink shades.And try any of the new ones either makeups or hair styles in the week ends and take the suggestion of your mother,as she is your most close friend  of all in the world.This generation mothers do consider as nothing is important for them other than their children.
  • Agood proper care should be taken towards hair coz they will make you the centre of attraction amongst all in your near by comming future.Brush it nicely both morn and eve,and if the hair is falling or looking dull give it the hot oil treatment.But be on your own ,to establish the  hairstyle or makeup,without looking like any one else.Dont imitate.
  • In teens the problem of greasy hair,is a natural outcome of a greasy skin.The scalp should be kept clean, not to have scalp infections.To treat a greasy scalp wash your head with multani mitti and luke warm water.Hot water promotes greasyness.Use plenty of luke warm water for washing the hair.Even curds can be applied to the roots of the hair,it acts as cooling agent,besides this it darkens the hair.
  • Try new outfits together with accessories.Its good to try new things with a light makeup and good clothes.Do wear fashionable which are decent and latest,and most imp it should suit you.
  • And by the age of twenty,a big transition,a senior in fashions having your own style and trend.Be updated in the looks which has a vast differance than in the middle school.Be usual with daily make over in the day,and add a little darker shades of eyeliner and more festive look and good accessories from head to toe when you go with friends for parties or functions.
Collections from articles


Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Curds is a good substitute which develops the immune system thus making the person neutralize to the agents in the body which causes diseases.
It controls the yeast infections in ladies.
The Vit-B available in curds relieves a person from stress and strain.
When curds are used for food,it immediately relieves from tensions and tiredness.
Delays the degeneration of the body.Purifies blood.
Curds eradicates diseases like parkinsons and cancers that occur in old age
Keeps digestive system healthy.
But curds when eaten in large quantities it leads to digestive problems.
For health problems like diarrhoea and dysentries,its a good medicine when used with rice.
Keeps the mind alert and protects the mucous lining of the stomach.
So fresh curds in limited quantities is always useful to a body to maintain proper health.
Obese persons can take curds and water in the ratio of 1:4.
As a beauty aid, curds can be used as face packs and also hair conditioner.
It is a rejuvenator of entire body system as it destroys the toxins in the body and improves general well being .


Mango pulp-1 cup
Pulp has to be blended well
3 to 4 Tbsps-carrot,tomato,& beet root juice concentrate
the drink which i prepared in the former posts under salads/juices section
Rose syrup
Lime juice-1 tbsp
Ice cubes2 to 3
Soda or Sprite
Place the blended mango pulp in a bowl,add the juice concentrated or rose syrup,lime juice and ice cubes well.
Pour into a glass upto 60%,and the remaining fill it with soda or sprite.
Agood fizzi drink is formed.


Tuesday, May 25, 2010

  • When the relations between your family members are not good,place a light cream colour flower vase filled with cream or yellow colour plastic flowers in the south west  (nairuthi mula)corner of the house. Atremendrous change in the relations of your family members will be seen.
  • Place a plant or tree of orange,or atleast a neem tree, in the south east corner (agneya mula)of the house.When the tree starts fruiting oranges and lime it will bring luck for your family.If you do not have the patience to wait until the tree grows up,place a plastic tree of oranges or lime tree full of lemons.
  • If you have grown up boys or girls in the home,and when their marriage is a problem to you, or when you are expecting decent alliances,place a brightly coloured  toy of lovebirds,in your childs room.The marriage problem will be solved.
  • The northwest corner of your house, i.e. vayavya mula ,this place belongs to the house owner.In this corner of your room,place a crystal bowl or white glass bowl,fully filled with copper coins along with rupee coins,in a place which cannot be seen by outsiders.The owner of the house will succeed in his work or say in his life.
  • Make it a habbit ,that all of your family members will dine together atleast once in a day.
  • In the south east corner(agneya mula) of your home,or in your living room,paste a sticker or a big photo  of green trees(filled with green trees with a big NO to hills and stones. Your family will improve a lot financially.But WATER  should not be  seen in this poster or sticker or photo.
A collection from magazines


Monday, May 24, 2010

Curds(thick) 1 cup
Mango juice 1/2 cup
Sugar or honey for sweetening
Elaichi powder optional
Blend all the materials and serve chilled


Appalu is a sweet item generally prepared for prasadam at the time of pujas.

Jaggery-2 1/4 (two and one fourth  cups)
Jaggery has to be grated and measured.
Water-1/2 cup
Grated coconut(raw)-2 table spoons
Rice flour-1 1/2  cup(one and a half cups)
Maida 1/2 cup
Oil for deep frying
Rice and maida are to be well mixed and kept aside.
Place a kadai on the stove in low flame,add 1/2 cup of water and jaggery .
Slowly it melts and let it boil for 10 minutes,then turn the stove in to low flame
and add slowly  the rice flour and maida.See that lumps should not be formed,
let it cook.Slowly it settles.Switch off the stove.
Let it cool for half an hour,and after cooling make  small balls as marbles 
and place a kadai with oil for deep frying.
Place a few balls on plastic sheet and press with four fingers ,
it expands,like this prepare some appams with hands
Let the oil be in medium  to high heat,and after heating,place  a few appams and fry
till golden brown.
Like wise adjust the temp of the stove according to the heat required.
Serve in a serving bowl.


Bobbarlu called as black eyed peas is commonly used in Andhra pradesh.
Bobbarlu- 2 cups
Washed well,and soaked for atleast 4 to 5 hours.Then wash and grind well,
it should be a bit coarsely grinded.
Chopped (finely)onions -1 cup

Green chillies 5 to 6 nos finely chopped
Ginger-1"piece finely chopped
Kothmeer a few finely chopped
Curry leaves chopped
Salt as required
Oil-for deep fry
Rice flour 1 teaspoon for binding
Mix all the materials well with grinded bobbarlu.
Place oil in a pan,and heat it.After heating,place the mixed paste of bobbarlu ,
in the form of vadas in hot oil .And deep fry in medium heat  till brown.
Place the Vadas on the tissue paper.
Serve hot with Tomato sauce or ginger  chutney.


This dish Sarvapindi,is a famous Telangana dish.I learnt it from my friends.
Rice flour-2 cups
Bobbarlu (boiled)-1/2 cup

called as blackeyed peas in english
Green chillie paste-2 spoons
Chopped onions-1/2 cup
Ginger paste 1 spoon(here i used only ginger )
or ginger garlic paste
(optional for those who dont use garlic much)
Curry leaves a few
Corriander leaves a few chopped
Sesame ( pachhi nuvvulu)2 spoons
Mix all these materials with water.
Mix the flour as chhapathi flour.
Make in to 4 to 5no.round a sweet lime sized  balls.
Place a flat thick bottomed pan on the stove,add 2 spoons oil ,and place
 a ball of flour and spread thickly along the edge of the pan directly with hand.
It has to be  be thick and even in all sides.
Make 4 holes in the middle ,and add oil atleast 1 spoon ,and let it cook
in medium flame.
Place a lid on the pan and let it cook in low flame until it is cooked.
Ideal to eat this with thick curd or yoghurt.
Serve hot.

My friend B.Lakshmi.M of Khammam


Friday, May 21, 2010


  • In india atleast upto 75% vaasthu is followed,relating to bathrooms,but in other places zero% is followed regarding bathrooms.
  • So atleast we can minimise the effects by following fengshui in bathrooms.
  • According to fengshui----water is related to wealth.
  • So even tips related to bathroom is considered as effective and followed.
  • All taps and pipes are to be checked thoroughly----coz the water should not leak from them,and to be repaired if any leakages are there.
  • If water is wasted through leakages ,it is to be considered to be health and wealth upset.
  • The bathrooms and toilets in cities due to lack of proper light & ventilation are dark-----Place a green colour zero candle bulb in bathrooms and let the bulb be switch on all the 24 hours.
  • Place the dust bin in the bathrooms in the corner----see that it has a lid on  it,and it should be closed always.
  • See that the toilet seat is not quite opposite to the bathroom door----But if it is there,place a crystal ball or hang a windchime near the bathroom door.
  • Bathroom should not be placed in north part of the house------but if it is there --keep the western toilet seat closed after usage,and hang a windchime ,place a crystal ball near the door.
  • The bathroom should not be opposite to the main entrance---but if it is there,place 2 flower plants on both the sides of the inside  entrance.Atleast plastic flower plants can be kept.
  • Weekly atleast wash the bathroom with salt water.
  • If the bathroom door is quite opposite  to the bed----then see that the bathroom door will be closed with automatic door.Place a bowl with salt water in the bathroom window.Every week change the salt water,throw water  in the toilet ,and replace new water with salt.Salt  removes the negativity.
  • Place a room freshner especially lavender fragrance inside the bathroom.
  • Remove the clutter such as half broken mugs and buckets, used shampoo sachets,old tooth brushes and tooth paste tubes.
  • http://using-feng-shui.suite101.com/article.cfm/feng_shui_your_bathroom
By following such tips we can minimise the effects if any.
  • After taking headbath clean the shikakai or kunkudukaya leftovers,and empty shampoo sachets,which block the water in the bathrooms.
  • Place  the clothes which are to be washed in a box to avoid cockroaches,or wash them regularly but do not let them remain in bathrooms.
  • Use acid or bleaching powder for washing the tiles in the bathroom atleast once in a month,if the tiles are light in colour.Wash them regularly with soap water before bath.
  • Now a days we have attached bathrooms,so special care to be taken in using phenoil which give a good fragrance.
  • Keep the wash basins etcclean by washing them  with bleaching powder  ,and showers,pipes etc fittings should be cleaned by rubbing with a kerosene cloth.The kerosene smell will vanish within an hour.
  • Use salt and kerosen to the water you use in washing the bathrooms.   


Neem leaves(vepakulu)250 gms
wash the leaves well,pound them into a paste.
Place a pan on the stove ,add 1 kg of water,and add the paste of neem leaves 250 gms in to it.
Boil them till 1/4 amount of water is left.
The 3/4 th amount of water should be boiled and evaporated.
Switch off the stove,and strain the 1/4 th quantity of  neem juice in to another container.
Add 1/4 th kg of mustard oil(ava nuni)to the neem mixture and place it again on the stove,boil it in low flame.
The water should be evaporated and only the oil should be remained.
Store it in a glass bottle.
Apply the oil to the body(skin),the skin remains healthy without body odour.


MAHAPARIMALA LEPANAM(For body and hair before bath)

This preperation of maha parimala lepanam is telecasted in z telugu tv,by yelchuri .
Cardamoms powder -50 gms
To be powdered.
Vattivella churnam-50 gms
To be made in to small pieces,and powdered.
Biryani aku podi -50 gms
To be dried and powdered.
Jattamamsi powder-50 gms
Thunga gaddala powder -50 gms
Gandha kachhuralu powder -  50 gms
Naga kesarala powder -50 gms
Mix all the powders, add required rose water and make in to a paste in a grinder or blender.
{Apply the paste as henna to the over all hair, and also apply to the hair and have headbath after 1 hour.

The obesity or body fat will be reduced a little.
Skin diseases will be disappeared.
Body odour will be vanished.


Thursday, May 20, 2010


When the child starts suffering with cough and wheezing do accupressure,give luke warm water first,and apply the oil prepared by harathi karpuram.

  • Let the children do atleast some of the Surya Namaskarams.
  • Pressurise the 2nd and 3rd finger tips of left hand(accu pressure)
  • Donot use sugar in the milk or food,use only patikabellam podi(sugar candy powder)
  • Mix turmeric powder and sugar candy powder, in the milk which they drink.
  • Can use buttermilk ,honey in their food.
  • In the nights donot give them rice,instead of rice feed them with coarse wheat(godhuma ravva) upma.
  • Let them not eat choclates and icecreams and drink ice water..
  • Lastly,Mix harathi karpuram (a small lump)in to 2 ounces or 50 ml of coconut oil and store it in a bottle.Lightly heat 2 spoons of oil to luke warm,in a small cup and apply on the front and back of the child.
  • Wash and dry the fruits of Ravi chettu (ravi pandlu) and powder them.Mix same ratio of sugar candy powder in it and store it.For children from 6 months to 3 years mix 2 to 3 pinches of this powder with honey and let them eat.The children who use this will get good memory,and be active.It reduces asthma in the children, and makes healthy the normal children who doesnt have asthma.Even elders can takehalf a spoon of this powderwith half spoon of honey as medicine.
Source-Yelchuri ,HYD
Z Telugu TV Channel


Wednesday, May 19, 2010

A few more tips regarding a fengshui home.

  • See that the bedroom should not be quite opposite to the entrance of the main livingroom.
  • Do not place your office table and chair,opposite to the office door entrance.It should be a bit aside to the office door.If it is placed exactly in the opposite of the office door,you will not receive the cooperation of the staff members in the office.
  • Do  make your seat arrangement in the office,by  facing  the door in front  or side of you.Do not arrange the seating  arrangement by facing the office door in the back of you.And if it is inevitable place a mirror reflecting the entrance of the office door in front of your seat.
  • When you think that you are lagging behind in your career,then place a big photo frame of you with a cheerful laughing face,in your home,in the exactly centre of north wall of the living room.
  • Do not place tv,radio,alaram timepiece etc in your bedroom.
  • Atleast once in a 3 months clean the clutter in the house.
  • In the home garden,in the east portion grow a bamboo plant or tree.Or else stick a bamboo tree  wall poster to your wall in the east side.
  • See that the entrance of your home or office,is perfectly clean without any clutterlike tables stools,or shoes ,or stands  obstructing the good energy to enter .
  • Fengshui obstructs thorns or sharp edged plants in growing in home gardens.
Likewise there are some tips with which we can modify our homes with fengshui.


Tuesday, May 18, 2010

By following a few tips in fengshui,a tremendrous differance is seen in the home.

  • A big photo of your total family members beautifully laminated ,should be hanged in the main hall or living room,on the south west corner wall,which we call as Nairuthi mula.See the difference in the unity of your family members.
  • A big   photo,of the couple, should be hanged on the southwest corner wall of their bedroom.If till now there is no such thing then immediately hang a lovely picture of the wife and husband,on the corner of south west wall.The intimacy of the couple will improve.
  • Hide the brooms and broom sticks in the day in some where corners.But do not place them in dining room or kitchen.
  • But in the nights to avoid the evil powers not to enter your home,place a broom stick(cheepuru) inside of the main gate,upside down..But do not forget to remove it in the morning.
  • To remove the negative energies from the home use salt crystals while wet clothing the house.
  • Remove the wall clocks which are not working,either give them for repair or replace them for new.
  • Occassionally after bath,lit the dhoop stick say sambrani dhoopam in you home.
  • Hear or switch on the shehnai or instrumental music(even dolu sannai)music in your taperecorder,in a low voice.
  • Daily lit deepam in your puja room with cowghee
  • In the dining hall, living room  etc use room freshners or sweet scented agarbathhis.
  • Never let the water pumps leak in the house,immediately let them be repaired.
  • Plant which is evergreen should be grown in south east (agneyam)corner of the house.Water it daily .
These are a few tips of fengshui,which can be followed for good results.
Feng shui articles in magazines.


Monday, May 17, 2010

Here today i will cover the juice prepared by tomato, carrot,beetroot with sugarcandy,and lime.
Its been telecasted by Pandit  Yelchuri in the Ztelugu TV channel.
This juice purifies the blood,increases the blood count,and reduces the anaemia.
It also improves the texture of the skin, and prevents hair loss.

  • Tomatoes -100 gms
  • Carrots-100 gms
  • Beetroot-20 to 40 gms
  • Sugar candy-300 gms
  • Honey-100 gms
Wash the vegetables thoroughly,peel off the skin,then chop into small pieces.
Then blend the chopped pieces in a juicer ,adding water in small quantities,and blending well.
Then strain the juice and extract the pulp.
Again add 1/4 th cup of water into the pulp and grind well.Again strain the juice.
Like wise we can extract juice from the pulp by adding a little water 2 to 3 times.
Place the juice and powdered sugar candy on the stove on low flame.
Let it boil until the quantity of the juice reduces to 60% to 70% of the whole.
Then switch off the stove and let it cool.
If boiled in low flame it takes a long time ,say more than 1 hour.
Where as if kept in high flame,it has to be stirred quite often.
When cool,add honey in to it and store it in a dry glass bottle.
Always honey should be added only when the syrup is cool
Never mix  it  when hot.
If preserved in a fridge it remains fresh for a month.

When preparing juice ,add 2 tablespoons of juice with chilled water,and add juice of one lime,stir well.
Serve chill with a lemon rind.
Its a natural drink healthy and delicious.

The leftover pulp can be used as face pack by mixing milk cream,in to 2 spoons of pulp,  and applying to the face for 30 minutes.The left over balance of the pulp can be stored in a fridge for a week,and to apply daily as a face pack.

andariki ayurvedam
ZTelugu TV Channel



Anapakaya or sorakaya -chopped pieces -2 cups
Moong daal (Yellow colour)-1cup

Oil 1 table spoon
Urad dal 1 tsp
Red chilli (slits)2 nos
Green chilli (slits) 6 nos
Curry leaves a few
Hing a pinch
Boil and cook chopped sorakaya pieces for 5 min in water.
Add  washed (yellow) moong daal to the water containing  anapakaya pieces.
After it is cooked add salt, and set it aside.
After cooling,Strain the left over water .
Now heat a pan add one tablespoon oil,then add red chilli slits,urad dal and saute for a while.
Now add the green chilli slits along with curry leaves and hing,and add the cooked anapakaya pieces
to the pan,saute well and switch off the stove after frying for 2 to 3 mins in a low flame.
Serve in to a dish .
This curry a simpleone  and plain goes well with rice and rotis.
But health wise a safe one which consists of less oil.


Sunday, May 16, 2010

Cooked Rice-3 cups
Jeera-7 to 8 tea spoons
Onions chopped-2 cups
Green chillie -10 nos
made in to slits
Curry leaves a few

Ginger garlic  paste-2 spoons
Salt to taste
Black pepper powder-3 to 4 pinches
Place a pan on the stove add 3 to 4 tablespoons of oil and heat.
After heating add jeera and fry for a while,then after wards add chopped onion,greenchilli slits,curry leaves and gingergarlic paste and saute.Then after the onion turned in to transparent,it takes more than 10 mins in low flame,add black pepper powder,and salt.After 2 mins add the cooked rice and mix well  for a few
seconds.Then switch off the stove.Serve hot.
Ideal with  onion raitha.
We can also add aloo, carrot and green peas to the dish, and then fry till it is done.I collected this recipe from a book related to cooking.


Saturday, May 15, 2010

This mango juice is liked by children very much.
Children who make fuss in eating chhappathis or puris,will eat calmly if mango juice is given as side dish.
Squeezed mango juice 2 cups
1/2 cup milk
Sugar 3 to 4 tea spoons
Essence optional

Mix the mango juice along with chilled milk and sugar well.
Keep it in freezer to chill.
Adding of essence is optional

Chhappathis-Puris :
Prepare home made chhappathis or puris and serve them with mango juice.
Even elders like this combination.


Sanagalu  2 cups

Wash well and soak sanagalu(whole bengal gram daal) for 6 hours in water.Pressure cook with5 cups of  water till 3 whistles. Let it cool.After it is cool,drain the  remaining boiled water and keep boiled senagalu ready for seasoning.
Oil 4 to 5 tsp
Urad daal 1/2 tsp
Mustard seeds 1 tsp
Jeera 1/2 tsp
Hing a pinch
Red chillies 2 nos (made into slits)
Greenchillies 4 nos(slits)
Curry leaves a few
Place a pan on the stove,and add oil to it.
When it starts heating add red chillie slits,urad daal,mustard and jeera seeds.
Saute for a while,then add green chilli slits,curry leaves,hing haldhi etc.
By now it starts fuming,then add boiled sanagalu and mix well.
Then add salt,& cook in low fire for a few minutes ,let it simmer.
Then switch it off.
Serve in a dish.

This dish is done for pujas ,as prasadam.


Thursday, May 13, 2010


Adhika Kovvu Thaggataaniki:
Ahaarapu  timings marchhali.Early morning from 6 am to 9 am,Breakfast chheyyali.
Eve suryasthamayam taruvatha 6pm to 8pm loga dinner cheseyali.
Soundarya kanuka:
Aloevera pulp ni 7 times water lo munchi vidalchali.
Aloevera pulp,pasupu 1 spoon, 1/2 to 1 spoon karakkayala podi, ee three items ni baga mix chesi.
obese part   meedha baga massage chheyyali.

Potta thaggatam kosam kanuka:
Nalugu pindi..:Neem powder,Thulasi powder,Maredu akula powder,Karakkayala powder.
Mix equal quantities of these powders , and store it.
Daily use this powder as nalugu pindi.
Nuni apply chesi nalugu pettukondi.
Potta etc kramam ga thagguthundhi.



Fengshui is called as chinese vaasthu .These days most of us  are following fengshui tips.In my observation,though the vasthu is a little imperfect, and when it is impossible and very expensive to alter,then i choose fengshui as a remedy.It helps to some extent.Normally in the shops where the fengshui items are available,there are many varieties of fengshui objects and we can follow them.

  • According to fengshui,the  Southeast corner(agneyam mula  in telugu) in the house is considered as wealth and goodluck corner.Dont keep this corner dark without light.Atleast in the nights maintain a bulb in the south east corner. 
  • Keep 2 idols of roaring lions,in the two sides of main gate.Or atleast idols of cement can be carved on the gate.Last but not the least,paste 2 posters of roaring lions ,coz according to fengshui ,these roaring lions  protect the wealth ,and dont allow the evil forces to enter the house.
  • Place the picture of 9 running horses ,in the south block of the house,the fame and recognition part of the house.Surely your name and fame(keerthi prathishtalu) will be improved.
  • The career and oppurtunities causing part of your  house,in the North direction,place a small bowl with water.The other option is stick a poster of water ,running water or water fountain,without stones,in the north part.A good  change will be there in your career.
  • Dont keep or stick any posters relating to rivers,sea scapes,and water related pictures in the Bedroom.
  • Generally the place in the north will be more spacious and large when compared to the south in our indian vaasthu,the constructions are done according to this rule.So never use,the place in the north, as a dumpyard or storage of clutter ,or old articles.Keep it scruplously clean and vacant,coz that is the  career and oppurtunities part of the house.
  • Donot store sweeping brooms,etc clutter in the back of the doors.Coz according to fengshui the doors are to be opened fully without any obstructions.
  • Regularly do oiling to the screws and bolts of the doors and windows.There should not be any sounds while opening and closing of doors,coz the sounds obstruct the good luck .
  • No plants are to be placed in bed rooms.
  • Generally the slippers or slipper stands are kept in the  entrance of the door.This doesnot bring good luck according to chinese vaasthu.According to fengshui ,the CHI ,the good energy of luck ,will enter the house and travel inside from above the slippers and  shoes etc (if shoes are kept there)carrying the negative odour, which is not a good luck.Place the shoes and slippers away from the entrance of the house,and welcome the wealth and good luck in to your house.
  • The Tv s are not to be placed in the bedrooms,but it is not possible to each and every body.So after switching off the tv cover it with a thick plastic sheet and not with a cloth.
  • According to fengshui,the Good Luck CHI which enter your house,will retain in the water and remain there.So maintain scented flowers in flower vases, or  fish acquariums,or  water fountains, by which you change the water occasionally.
  • http://fengshui.about.com/
These are some of the tips to be performed according to fengshui  for a better and quality living.


Potta Thaggadaniki:

  • Savasanam veyyali taruvatha(vellakila padukuni close your eyes, and take rest)
  • Potta thaggipothundhi anna bhavana tho undali,manassu nu anandam ga unchukovali)
  • Uthhana padasanam veyyandi, vellakila padukuni ,kalu tarvatha kalu 90 degrees lo ethhi unchi,kindaku dimpeyali.Padalu,kindaki dinchuthunnappudu, padalanu 45 degrees lo kasepu bigapatti uncheyyali,alaga entha varaku unchhacho antavaraku unchandi,appudu pottaki strain ekuva ayyi thaggatam jaruguthundhi
  • Two legs kalipi ethhi dimputhu undali,3 to 5 times each leg.
  • Uthhana dvi padasanam:
  • With both legs ,90 degrees varaku ethhi half minute agi slow ga dimpali 2 padalanu.45 degrees vachhaka oka half minute,kadalakunda padalanu alage unchheyyandi,ikkada pressure thone potta karuguthundhi, try chheyandi .
  • http://www.indianetzone.com/1/uttana_padasana.htm
Ahara Niyamalu:
  • Athi chhalani freezed items thinte tvaraga digest kaka,pottalo undipothayi.Daanitho health problems start avuthayi.Avoid freezed items,kothha biyyam annam,udiki udakani biyyapu annam(birusuga unde annam),jersey palu etc.
Ahara oushadha kanuka:  udharam lo kovvu thaggutakai:

Patha raagulu,or godhumalu,or biyyam or jonnalu: evaina pathavi-1 glass
Adhey glass tho 14 glasses neeru posi,baga udikinchali--daanilo,
Apinch of jeera powder,
Apinch of dhania powder,
Koncham miriyalu,
Koncham vamu powder,
Chinna allam mukkalu
daanitho patu carrots,beetroot, inka other vegetables emaina unte vesi,khichidi laga chesi,dinche mundhu curry leaves,kothmeer,pudina vesi udikaka dinchali.
Idhi entha thinna kovvuni thagginchi vesthundhi.
Morning vela aharam ga theesukunte potta thagguthundhi
Potta thaggataniki UTHARENI THAILAM,starting issues lo ichhanu,adi note chesukondi .bath ki one hour mundhu rasi massage chesi appudu snanam chheyyandi.

Vajrasan lo kurchuni kapal bhathi chheyyandi.kapalbhathi eppudu slow ga nidanam gane chheyyali.fast ga chheyyakudadhu.
 Potta ethhu thagginchadam koraku:
Bhojanam chesaka 2 hrs mundhu nidrinchakudadhu.
  • Asanas:
  • Right Side ki padukuni  ,mundhu left leg paiki ethhali,1 min unchandi nemmadhiga left leg kindaki dinchandi.
  • Malli left leg ni munduku mudavandi(bend chheyyandi),1 min poyyaka mamooluga unchandi.
  • Ippudu Left side ki padukondi,  this  time right leg tho chheyyali.Indaka left leg tho chesina 2 exercises eesari right leg tho cheyyandi.
  • Repeat it 2 to 3 times.
  • Ippudu savasanam lo padukovali.Kastha a few min relax authu body ni gamaninchandi.
  • Ippudu vajrasan lo kurchuni Kapalabhathi pranayam mela mellaga chheyyandi
  • Anni rogalaku mulam Indigestion.
Indigestion thagginchadaniki mithamuga,intime lo bhojanam chheyyali.

Obesity thaggataniki Ahara kanuka:

Thippatheega podi-100 gms
Thungagaddala podi-100 gms
Mix chesi  glass bottle lostore chesukovali.
1/4 th tsp nundi start chheyyandi,1 tsp honey tho kalipi chhapparinchi mellaga thinandi.
(1/4 th of tsp tho start chesi slow ga 1 spoon ki limit pencha vachhu)
Thippa theega podi+Thungagaddala podi combination =vantlo neeru archi vesthundhi
Result obesity thagguthundhi.



In these days busy life majority of the people are becoming the victims of High BPdue to stress and anxiety.
To lessen the ill effects of the high BP try any few of these methods,in order to stay healthy.

  • The High BP suferrers should not neglect to take rest, and adequate sleep.
  • Try to practise yoga,pranayam and meditations.
  • Take in adequate amount of garlic with food compulsorily or else have garlic pill every alternative day.
  • Mix 1 teaspoon of amla powder with one spoon of honey,and have it.
  • Daily morning have a tsp of lime juice and honey mixture with water.
  • Soak 1 tsp of methi seeds in 1/4 th cup of curds in the night,and have it next day morning.
  • Daily eat atleast one to two bananas in the morning.But watch out if you are obese,try another.
  • Daily morning walk for 15 minutes in the grass without slippers.
  • Daily have onion neither as a salaad,nor in curries or curd rice.
  • Daily have raw papaya for morn breakfast as a salaad.
  • For all the 365 days of a year if one can have a orange along with a breakfast then it will helpto reduce the BP problem.
  • Daily morn have a glass of carrot juice,and in the eve have a glass of palak leafy veg juice.
  • Try to eliminate coffee completely,if u cant stay then have a light tea daily.Green tea is the best.
  • Daily do exercise atleast for 30 min.
  • Stay away from pickles ,and lessen salt and oil in your food to a large extent.
  • Practice stress relaxing techniques daily.
Like wise try a few 2 to 3  techniques which are suitable to you.The high BP will be under control along with your doctors prescribed medicines.

Health Magazines

Cauliflower Curry

Wednesday, May 12, 2010


  • Cauliflower florets
  • Onion- 1 Medium
  • Tomato- 2 Medium
  • Oil - 2 Tb spns
  • Salt- To taste
  • Red Chilli powder- To your spice level
  • Pav bhaji masala(optional)- 1 Tb spn
  • Chana dal - 1 Tb spn
  • Mustard seeds - 1 Tb spn
  • Jeera - 1 Tb spn
  • Turmeric- 1/4 T spn
1. Take a pan, add oil to it. Now add the seasoning- Chana Dal, Mustard seeds, Jeera.
2. Now add onion to it and cook until the onions are brown in colour.
3. Now add cauliflower florets and cook for 10 mins.
4. Now add tomato to it and also add salt, red chilli powder and turmeric( & pav bhaji masala powder which is optional).
5. Let it cook and switch off the stove when it is done.
Quite often i do this for myself for rotis.

Beeraka-Pappu Kura/ Ridge Gourd Curry


Ridge Gourd/ Beerakayalu
Moong Dal- 2 Handfuls
Urad Daal- 2 Tb spns
Red Chillies- 4-5(According to your spice levels)
Green chillies - 4
Mustard seeds- 1 Tb spn
Curry Leaves
Hing/ Asafoetida- 2 pinches
Salt - To taste
Oil- 2-3 Tb spns

1. Cut the Ridgegourd to bite size as shown in the picture.
2. Boil the ridge gourd pieces in water for 5 minutes.
3. Now add 2 handfuls of washed moong dal into the hot water that containing the ridge gourd pieces.
4. Now let them cook. After they got cook, filter/ strain the remaining water completely. (For this you can use a plate that contains wholes).
5. Let it cool down.
6. Now take a pan and add the seasoning- Urad dal, Mustard seeds, Red chillies, Green chillies, Curry Leaves, Hing. And after that add the cooked ridge guard pieces,daal into the pan and also add salt to taste.
7. Cook for 2 mins and switch off the stove.

This dish will be very nice with rice as well as rotis.My daughter Sri prepared this curry and  posted the recipe and the picture of the curry.



Athikaralu,etc lu thinadam valla, pithha prakopam mulana, athi ga matladadam,
athi vedi vasthuvulu sevinchadam valana,garvam  geera latho matladadam jarugu thundhi.Ego perugu thundhi.Deeni vallana soundaryam chedi pothundhi.

Soundarya kanuka:

Water melon(puchhakaya)half ki kosi,yerra gujju sagam theesesi,thala ki hat laga pettukovali.
Deeni vallana vedi thaggi pothundhi.

Adapillalaki ahharam:

Roju palla rasalu,kismis pandu rasam ivvali.
Avivahitha adapillalaku:

Dhaniyala kashayam :- 1 spoon dhania,1 glass of water ni,1/2 glass ayyelaga udikinchi dinchaka,1 spoon patika bellam podi kalipi thagali.

Manosoundaryam sthirathvam koraku aharakanuka:

Biryani aku 100 gms
Ashva gandha dumpalu 100 gms
Athimadhuram 100 gms
patika bellam 100 gms
saraswathi aku churnam 100 gms
Ivi anni danchi( vidi vidi ga), appudu anni  kalupukovali.
Or else anni powders ga purchase chesi anni kalupukovali.
Elders ki 1/2 to 1 spoon notilo vesukuni chhaparinchi neeru thagali.
Ahaaraniki 1 hour mundhu morn  -- and night ,theesukovali.



Onions cut chesi ,rendu mukkalu chhoppuna perugu annam tho thinali.
Onion rasam (ulli rasam)honey tho kalipi,meals ki 1 hour mundhu theesukovali.
41 days lo BP set ayyipothundhi.
Intestines lo unna problems,kidney lo stones,kuda karigi pothhayi.
Tonsils thhaggipothhayi.
Ladies ki menstrual problems kuda thhaggipothhayi.

High BP thaggataaniki paaneeyam:
Ginger juice-1 table spoon
(Allam mukkalu chesi danchi rasam theeyali)
Dhania rasam 1 table spoon
(danialu--2 teaspoons   lo 1/2cup neeru  posi,nalakkotti,rasam theeyali)
1 lime juice--1 table spoon
1 glass of water lo allam rasam,dhania rasam,lime juice kalipi,ee paniyam ni food
 ki oka ganta mundhu thagali.
Akali puduthundhi, jataragni prajvalisthundhi, paithya rogam nasisthundhi.

Pandit Yelchuri
Andariki Ayurvedam
ZTelugu TV channel
7-30 AM


1 st variety  ofNALUGU PINDI :Sareera durvasana nivaranaku
Nalla nuvvula podi-100 gms
Menthula podi-100 gms
Kasthuri pasupu-100 gms
Bavanchalu-100 gms
karakkaya podi-100 gms
Kachhuralu-100 gms
Anni methhaga danchi bottle lo store chesi sunni pindi laga vadali.
Sareeram nundi chemata vasana raadhu.

2nd variety of NALUGU PINDI:-
Vepaku powder,
Thulasi powder,
Maredu aku powder,
karakkaya powder,
each variety  250 gms wt theesukuni bottle lo store chesi sunni pindi laga vadukovali.

3rd variety of NALUGU PINDI:-

(Kasthuri pasupu podi
Chinna palleru kayala podi
Tella avalu podi
Thunga gaddala podi
Muddhha karpuram podi
ippativaraku anni each 20 gms).

yerra chhandanam podi -40 gms
Lavangala podi -40 gms
Chara pappu podi -40 gms
Paivi, anni 20 gms each,kindavi anni 40 gms each theesukuni
mix chesi store chesukuni vadali.


Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Gummadikaya attu
Boodidha Gummadikaya or White pumpkin slits -4 cups
Pumpkin washed thoroughly and made in to thin and small slits of 1" size
Then apply salt,and place in a cloth napkin and squeeze well,or keep it under
a heavy weight box,on the kitchen platform,very near to wash basin .So that

the water which oozes from the pumpkin slits will go in to the wash basin directly,
thus not making the platform shabby

Urad daal -1 cup
Before making the attu,wet grind the urad dal,by adding less water in to a paste.
Wash & soak for 4 hrs
Greenchillies 6 nos
crushed into a paste.
Red chillie powder 1 tsp
Salt to taste
Hing powder a pinch
Oil for shallow frying
Place the pumpkin slits from  which the water is  squeezed in to a bowl,then add
the grinded urad dal mixture in to it.
Mix well then add the crushed green chilli paste,redchilli powder,salt and hing well.
So that every thing will be mixed well,and now the pumpkin mixture is ready.
Place a tawa on the stove ,add 1 tsp oil after heating,and place 1/2 cup of the pumpkin
mixture on the tawa and spread it a little,add 1 to 2 tsp oil and shallow fry.
Serve hot either with rice or tomato sauce.

Where as if this material is deep fried in oil it is called Gummadikaya Pachhi Vadiyam.
Place a kadai on the stove,add oil for deep fry,and after heating ,deep fry this batter in to medium sized vadiyams.It absorbs much oil so place on a tissue paper before serving.


Rice 2 cups
Grated raw mango-1cup
Salt to taste
Oil 2 to 3 tbsps
Mustard seeds 1 spoon
Red chillies 2 to 3 nos
(made into slits)
Urad dal 1 spoon
Channa daal 1 spoon

Cashewnuts or groundnuts-1/2 cup
Turmeric powder a little
Hing a pinch
Curry leaves  a few
Green chillies 5 to 6 nos
made in to slits
Pressure Cook rice first.The rice and water should be in the ratio of 1:2.
After done,let it cool.
Meanwhile,place a pan on the stove,add oil to it.After it started heating add channa daal,urad daal,ground nuts,redchilli slits,mustard seeds etc. one by one ,saute well.Lastly add green chilli slits,and curry leaves,then
switch it off.
Add the grated mamidikaya ,haldhi,and salt with the cooked rice, mix well according to your taste.If you want less sourness add less amount of grated mango,but if you want it more sour and tasty,add more qty of grated raw mangoto the cooked rice.
Lastly add the total seasoning to the rice.And mix it well.Mango pulihora tastes yummy.
If you want to store it for a day i.e. both for supper and dinner also, then fry the grated mango in 1 tsp of oil for 5 mins in medium fire,saute well then switch it off.And after it turns cool then add into the rice.Like this it will retain for 1 day in  indian atmosphere.
I prepare this atleast thrice or four times in the season of mangoes.


Monday, May 10, 2010

Chopped thota kura-4 cups
Urad dal 1 tsp
Channa daal 1 tsp
Red chillies 2 nos
made in to slits
Ginger 1" made in to pieces
Green chillies 6 nos

(ginger and green chillies are to be made in to a paste form)
Place a pan on the stove and add oil 2spoons in to it.
After heating add urad,channa daals and redchillie slits as seasoning , lastly add
either hing or garlic(optional) ,haldhi,then ginger green chillie paste and fry in a low temp.
After it is fried,add chopped thotakura to the pan and cover with a lid.
Keep the lid on and mix the curry well in equal  intervels till it is cooked.By keeping the lid
the curry will be cooked equally without burning .Lastly add salt and transfer in to a bowl.
Serve hot.
Those people who are habituated to use garlic can use it while seasoning..



Kichhidi is a tasty masala rice,very ideal to have as a lunch or dinner.
Moong dal1/4 cup
Rice 1 cup
Chopped Onions 1 cup
Green chillies 4 nos
Green peas 1/2 cup optional
Chopped veg like carrot,aloo optional
Oil 2 tbsps
Ginger onion  paste 1 tsp
Cloves 4 nos
Cinnamon 1" piece
Turmeric powder 2 pinches
Curry leaves
Place a pan on the stove,add 2 tbsp of oil and add urad dal,channa daal each a tea spoon,and fry,then add chopped onion peices,green chilli slits,saute well for 3 mins then add ginger garlic paste,haldhi,cloves and cinnamon,optionally chopped vegetables and curry leaves.Saute well then add water of 2 1/2 two and half cups , as the rice and water is to be in the ratio of 1:2.
Now add the well washed,rice and moong dal in to the water and cook well in a pressure cooker for 3 whistles.Let it cool. Serve hot after adding salt, with any pickle or onion raitha.
I replaced  ginger garlic paste to ginger onion paste, but u can use ginger garlic paste.



Rice flour-1 cup
Besan flour-1/2 cup
Vamu 2 tsp
Chillie powder-2 tsp
Salt to taste
Oil-for deep frying
Mix rice flour,besan flour with vamu(ajwain) chillie powder and salt .
Then add water and make it in to a dough just like a bit smoother
 than(chapathi dough).
Then heat oil in a kadai for deep frying.Then take a janthikala gottam,
and place the dough in the janthika maker and press in to hot oil.
Fry the 2 sides of the janthikalu till brown.
They will be crispy if they are fried till brown colour.
Iwont add neither butter nor oil,as it tastes like vamupusa.
My sister  prepare this item for her school going children ..


Saturday, May 8, 2010

Kesa soundaryaniki oil:
Amla rasam-1 litre
Guntakalakara aku rasam-1 litre
Biryani aku
Thunga gaddalu -50 gms
Gandha kachhuralu-50 gms
Coconut oil-1 litre
Maruvamu or Davanamu (grind chesina muddhha)-50 gms
Anni neeru posi,rasalu theesi ,nuni,anni rasalu kalipi nananichhi ,
next day danini stove meedha petti rasalu igire varaku ,oil
mathram migile varaku boil chesi danini vadakatti,bottle lo nilava chheyyali.
{anni podulu danchi water vesi nuri rasam theeyali}

ACIDITY nivaranaku:
Raavi pandu ni endabetti,dani ginjalanu nanabetti,nuri andulo patika bellam
samapallalo kalipi theesukunte{ week days theesukovali}acidity
purthi ga thhaggipothundhi.
Children 1/2 spoon,
Elders 1 sp daily 2 times before meals theesukovali.

FACE pai black marks machhalu povadaniki:
Thene mainam 100 gms
oka pathralo thene mainam vesi stove meedha petti mariginchi,boil chesi
filter chesi unchali.Inko pathra lo bavanchalu 20 gms powder,nalla jeera 20 gms powder,kasthuri pasupu 20 gms,anni powders lo neeru posi baga mariginchali.Neeru antha igiri poyyaka ,mainam pathralo posi gatti padanivvali.Ointment laga thayaru authundhi idhi,store chesukuni black marks meedha massage chheyyali.Ilaga kramam ga chhesthunte machhalu thagguthayi
{First podulu anni mariginchi,marigeloga thene mainam kariginchi ready ga unchukovali.Appudu kalipi let it cool and store it}
ZTelugu TV Channel
7-30 AM



  • The door frames,doors , window frames and window glasses should be cleaned first with a cloth.Lastly wipe off with a paper.
  • The house plants should be watered in the early morning,or in the evenings after 5 pm.In summer water them in the evenings,and give a light shower in the mornings.
  •  The fridge, safety lockers and iron safes are to be cleaned first with a wet cloth dipped in soap water,then wipe off with a dry napkin for sparkling shine.
  • When  ink,coffee and tea spills on the door or window curatains and stains are formed,  then first dip them in coldwater.Then wash with detergent powders.
  • When cleaning hair brushes or combs,add a few drops of anti dandruff shampoo to the water,and soak the combs in them.Then wash them.
  • To maintain the silk sarees shining as new,mash the boiled aloo in to a paste,add in water and soak the sarees in them,and wash.
  • The clothes should be dried in shade coz the colour  may get dull in sunshine.
  • First soak the clothes to be washed in a bucket of water.Then only dip them in soap water and wash them.
  • Silk clothes and shirts ,are to be dried by drying them inside out.
  • To maintain a neat bathroom,keep air freshners.Also keep a cotton wool dipped in phenoil or any cologne.
  • When the bottles are turned dirty from inside the bottle,pour aloo boiled water along with aloo peel in to the bottle and wash them.
  • The tiles and floor in the bathrooms are to be washed with water to which a spoon of kerosene is added .The tiles will be shining.


Friday, May 7, 2010

Thulasi akulu danchi theesina rasam oka cloth lo strain chheyyali.
Rasam 1 kg unte daaniki 1/4 kg patika bellam podi kalipi,stove meedha petti,
garita tho thippu thu theega pakam ,ranichhi, vessel ni stove kindaki dimpi,
chhalaranivvali..Chhalaraka bottle lo store chesukovali.
1/2 spoon thulasi syrup ni half cup luke warm water lo vesi kalipi,daily 2 times
Deeni vallana phlegm coughs and colds lanti problems anni tholagi poyi ,chala healthy ga untundhi.

Blood purify chese ahaara kanuka:
1 spoon,saraswathi akula podi,1 spoon honey or 1 sp cow ghee kalipi daily 2 times theesukunte
blood purify avuthundhi.Pimples kuda chalavaraku thaggipothayi.

Dried amla(endina usari mukkalu) -7 nos.+ 1 tsp dhanialu crush chesi oka bowl lo vesi ,1/2 glass water vesi night,mutha pettali.
Morn levagane strain chesi ,aa amla  water ki 1 spoon patika bella podi  kalipi,week days theesukunte,thala thiragaadamu paithyam thagguthayi.

Pandit Yelchuri ,Hyderabad
Andariki Ayurvedam,
ZTelugu TV Channel
7-30 AM



  • Sunlight is an important source to live, to the living beings.
  • Daily a person should be exposed atleast for half an hour to the sunlight to remain healthy.
  • Persons who stay in a/c rooms,and a/c cars and a/c offices,and who lives in the artificial lights and bulbs all the whole day long ,generally feel mentally depressed.
  • The countries of northern region which doesnt have full sunlight,when compared to other places in the country,and other countries,will be naturally lightly depressive,and even the digestion will be poor,and its proved by research.
  • It is proved that light influences much on the mental condition of a human body.
  • Sunlight influences the pituatary gland,there by activating it.
  • Pituatary gland ,a master gland in human when it is activated ,the whole body turns active.
  • Even in zoos,wild animals,birds etc are active and they take  food normally and be active,,when the cages they live in are exposed to natural sunlight.  
  • It is observed even in poultry farms ,the production of eggs increase in nos,when there is natural light .
  • The children who are hyper active behave normally when exposed to normal sunlight.
  • Therfore its proved that light plays an important role in the moods and behaviour of the living beings.
  • Atleast by sitting under a tree or a umbrella,its no matter,see that atleast for  1/2 an hour your body is exposed tonatural light.
  • Daily remove all the doors and curtains of your house to invite the sunlight atleast for an hour.
  • Atleast at the time of sun rise and sun set expose yourself to natural sunlight .
  • For obese:it is a good information.You will eat less when you eat in dim light.
  • And lastly for students who study at nights and in offices who work at late eves ,the room should be lightened more.If its possible switch on 2 tubelights more and work.Your  will work very actively.
Source: Collections



  • Tomato fights against cancer,this is agreed by the whole world.
  • Raw tomatoes fights against bladder cancer,it acts as an antoxidant which fights against the free radicals and toxins in the body.
  • Diabetics can take in the form of raw salaads.
  • People who suffer from urinary infections can use tomatoes in the daily menu, even tomato juice work out best.
  • Tomato reduces the digestive problems and purify the blood.It also cures the mouth problems.
  • Tomato juice when mixed with honey and taken,the problems of lungs if any are cured.
  • Tomato consists of carotene,cures the night blindness.
  • Turmeric powder when mixed with tomato juice ,it cures esnophillia.
  • The nutritous values of tomatoes,are it supplies Vit C to the body.It contains proteins,calicium,iron,phospherous,and carotene,thiamin,riboflavin,niacin and vitamins A& B to full extent.


People who suffer from gastric problems,stomach ache and burning sensation etc
 problems may be relieved by selective foods that acts as a medicine.

  • Fats and cholestrol foods ,that are acidic more hot and spicy,masalas and  fries are to be reduced.
  • Foods containing fibre should be eaten.
  • Avoid tea,coffees sweets and choclates.
  • Prefer boiled vegetables and curries that are only boiled ,and use very less oil in cooking are to be eaten.
  • Drink cool milk to which ice water is added whenever you feel burning sensation.Take care not to drink more milk than 1 to 2 glasses daily.
  • Make it a habbit of drinking more water.
  • Last but not the least,following these rules,urgently meet a doctor . 


Thursday, May 6, 2010

AMLA tho grey hair nallabadataniki ahara kanuka:

Usari podi-100gms
Patika bellam podi-100 gms
(sugar candy)
Two powders baga mix chesi store chheyyandi.Daily
2 times empty stomach lo ,ee powder ni honey 1 sp tho
kalipi thina vachhu.
or  1 sp night padukunemundhu,1 sp morn lechaka,2 times

Pachhi usari rasam-1 litre,
Nuvvula nuni 1/2 litre  lo vesi,stove meedha petti ,rasam aviriga
mari oil mathram migiledaaka stove meedha petti boil chesi,
kindaki dinchi,let it cool.Store in a bottle.Weekly twice or thrice
hair ki apply chheyyali.

Night lo usari mukkalani neellalo nanabetti poddunne vatini filter
chesi rojantha pillalatho thaganivvali.
Ee water valana hair nallaga untundhi.

Usari mukkalani nanabetti paste chesi hair ki pack laga weekly twice hair ki apply chhesthey hair nallaga untundhi.

Pandit Yelchuri,Hyd.
Andariki Ayurvedam
ZTelugu TV channel
7-30 AM

{Us lo other countries lo pachhi usari dorakadam kastam aithey mattuku dry amla or amla powder konukkuni use chheyachu,idi naa opinion mathrame.Nenu alaga chhesthuntanu.}


Though these all belong to health tips,but i am posting all the posts of Pandit Yelchuri sirs tips under BEAUTY TIPS.
Nalla or thella thulasi akulu-10 nos.
Miriyalu-10 nos.Allam-1 inch piece
Ivi anni danchi,andulo 2 cups water posi stove meedha petti,1 cup ayyelaga boil chheyyali.
Daanilo  sugar candy(kalakanda)  kalipi vediga unnappude thageyali.
Idhi empty stomach lo theesukovali.
Kramam thappakunda regular ga theesukovali.

Gulabi nuni:
Gulabi rekulu-100 gms
Nuvvula nuni-100 gms
Oil ni baga boil chesi,andulo gulabi rekulu vesi,
oil lo ki gulabi rekula saram antha vachhesthundhi.
Appudu kindaki dinchi chhalaranichi, store chheyyali.
Idi 2 drops mukku block ayinappudu vesukuntu undali
Appudu mukku dibbada pothundhi.

BLOCKING OF NOSE povadaniki:
Mukku dibbada povadaniki,Lakshmi Thulasi akulu needalo
arabetti,avi endaka danchi,vasthrakhalithamu chesi,aa tulasi
podi ni store chesi,morn and eve aa podini mukku podi laga
mukkuloki peelchali.Ilaga daily 2 times chesthey rompa baga


Badam pappu-7 nos
Milk- 2 cups
Badam,miriyalu kalipi danchi deenini milk lo vesi,3 pongulu raanichhi,
daanini filter chesi, andulo 2 sp patika bellam podi kalipi,daily
padukune mundhu pillalaki ivvali.Ilaga oka 3 months to 6 months
Badam pappu nanabetti thokka theesi danchukovali.

SOURCE:Pandit Yelchuri,HYD
Andariki Ayurvedam
Andariki Ayurvedam Masa Pathrika
ZTelugu TV Channel


Wednesday, May 5, 2010

PARTIAL HEADACHE thaggataniki:

Neyyi lo doraga veyinchi danchina
karakkayala podi-100 gms,
Thanikayala podi-200 gms,
Usarikaya podi-400 gms,
Paina 3 materials kuda neyyi lo veyinchi doraga podi chesukovali.
3 varieties of powders ni
Patika bellam podi-700 gms ki
mix chesi bottle lo store chheyyali.
Ee powder ni daily 1/2 spoon morn and
night 1/2 spoon empty stomach lo lukewarm water tho kalipi theesukovali.

THROAT PAIN nivaranaki:
Before sleep 1 glass hot  milk lo,3 pinches haldhi powder ni vesi,3 pongulu
raanichhi,andulo 1tsp patikabellam podi ni kalipi vediga thagali.
Morn ki chalavaraku upasamanam kalugu thundhi.
Ilaga kramam thappakunda  theesukunte throat problems thagguthayi.

THROAT PAIN  thaggataniki chitka:
10 gms Vamu,400 gms water lo vesi baga boil chesi,daanini mouth gargle chesi ummali.
Idhi instant throat relief ni isthundhi.

PIMPLES nivaranaku:
Vepa pullani danchi rasam theesi daily pimples meedha rayali

2nd variety of PIMPLES  nivaranaku:
Limejuice 10 drops ki, rose water 10 drops kalipi, aa mixture ni
pimples meedha clockwise,anti clockwise direction lo night massage
chesi,next morn luke warm water tho kadagali.Ilaga 15 days chhesthey
manchi result vasthundhi.

3rd variety of PIMPLES nivaranaku:
Vepa beradu ni theesi sana meedha aragadeesi,aa gandham ni pimples meedha raayali.
Ilaga one week chhesthe manchi result kanipisthundhi.

Pandit Yelchuri garu
Andariki Ayurvedam masa pathrika
ZTelugu TV  channel
7-30 AM


Dosakaya Or cucumber -large to medium sized
(wash well,peel off then chop into small pieces)
Vankaya-1 no large
(Microwave the large sized vankaya for 20 min ,or roast with the skin on the top of the stove,after it is done,remove off from fire,and let it cool.
Then peel off the skin ,and check for pest if any,then after verifying that its totally clean,keep aside)
Tamarind paste-2 spoons
Salt to taste
Oil 2 tsp
Mustard seeds 1 tspoon
Methi seeds 1/2 tspoon
Red chillies 2 nos(slits)
Green chillies 6 nos
Turmeric powder a pinch
Add or reduce as per your taste
Garlic flakes a few

Place a pan and add oil,after it is heated ,add the seasoning items mustard,methi seeds,red chillies, green chillies ,then switch off after it is done.
Grind the seasoning along withgarlic,& tamarind paste,coarsely.
Then add the chopped dosakaya pieces ,and grind itfor a half minute.
Lastly add the salt and the roasted vankaya mixtureand corriander leaves and once again grind for a split of the second.
Mix well with hand and remove in to a bowl.
This chutney will be quite tasty when done coarsely.
But for elder people,and those suffering with teeth problems,the chutney can be done into a paste form smoothly.

This one is experimented by my sister padma..



Boiled aloo 250 gms

Boiled ,peeled and cut into cubes.
Tomatoes finely chopped 2 nos
Garlic flakes crushed 3 to 5 nos
Oil for frying 2 tbsp
Red chillie powder 1/2 tsp
Dhania powder 1/2 tsp
Salt to taste
Chop the boiled aloo into small cubes.
Place a pan on the stove,add 2 tbsps oil to it.
Add aloo cubes and slowly fry,immediately after 5 mins add finely chopped tomato pieces and garlic paste..
Fry quite often by covering the pan with lid.
After it is cooked add chillie powder,dhania powder and salt.
Mix well,by keeping in low flame.
Lastly switch off the stove.
Transfer in to a serving bowl and serve hot.
Ideal with rice and rotis.
Prepared by my sister, a source from  Padmas kitchen.....


Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Beauty-a wonderful word which every body craves for.In each and every segment of the life a human craves for and tries to be goodlooking with his/her  dress,appearance and behaviour etc .And each age group has its own problems regarding beauty.Here the beauty to maintain for a child by her mother is my topic,.Afew tips that every mother should go through to make her daughter a future MONALISA.

  • In the child hood ,the question of beauty ,it will start by  learning personal hygiene,and how to look sweet , decent,chubby and bubbly..
  • At the age of teens,the beauty urge starts in the girls,and starts noticing the look of appreciation in others eyes towards her.
  • Then after that,Young women more than 20 years,middle aged women should understand the law of nature and its demands,according to their age groups and do maintain the beauty care like wise and Grow up with beauty:
  • As soon as a baby girl is born,the mother starts her pampering with varieties of nice clothes as toddlers.
  • Then regarding bath the mothers start massaging with oils,butter and giving them a herbal hair bath with bath powders.
  • Surely a mother has to start the beauty regime of her daughter from her child hood as the foundation is to be laid in the childhood itself.
  • The good looks depend on the type of food a child is given to eat.An adequate diet full of nutrition obtain the necessary elements of growth,such as all vitamins,calicium,minerals and carbs etc.So as a cautious mother who is interested in her child,should see that every food that is good for her is included in her food.
  • But see that you are not pampering her with sweets,starchy and fatty foods.
  • But when your children like sweets,give them home made sweets made with honey rather than sugar.
  • Give her fresh fruit juices,raithas instead of colas.And keep a competition among you and your child saying that who drinks first will be the winner,there by developing a competition spirit in her.
  • Give her a training by joining in the classes of dancing,swimming and yoga as this gives a good posture .
  • Next comes the heredity which provides the colour ,the basic bone structure and the texture of the hair.
  • But majority of the beauty lies in careful nurturing ,diet and exercise.
  • Children  do have a tender skin and soft hair which needs cleansing with a mild shampoo regularly.
  • Rub fresh cows milk in to her/his hair roots 15 min before giving hair bath.
  • If the hair is too curly add a little hair oil and plait them daily.
  • Apply hair oil/olive oil/castor oil before head bath and wash after one hour.
  • Children get lice in the hair,from other children though how carefully you maintain.Lice may arise many skin irritations and skin sores.
  • Give bath with a medicated shampoo,and quite often comb the hair and remove lice and nits.
  • Mix a little camphor and coconut oil, and make partings along the hair and apply camphor oil with the finger tips.After applying the whole scalp with camphor oil, tie the head with a piece of cloth and let it remain the whole night.The next day morning give her a head bath.Repeat this treatment every month till she is in school,if she is to be free from lice.
  • Donot allow the child remain to be with greasy hair, coz they dont look their best in oily hair.Every time before bath apply oil ,and dont after bathing.
  • Trim hair once in two to three months,and split ends are to be cut.
  • Do not tie up in a tight pony tail, coz the hair falls and breaks after some time.
  • They should be allowed to play and walk around without slippers for sometime daily,as this firms the muscles and bones of the feet strong. 
  • When just the child is about to walk or just started walking, the shoes should be soft and flexible.
  • Regarding the teeth teach your small child to brush or wash the teeth after every meal.Make her wash  her mouth after she eats sweets,so that the sugar in her mouth wont decay the teeth.She should be trained to rinse her mouth with water,where ever and whenever she eats anything.
  • Show  her to a dentist if the teeth are not in a order,and not straight.
  • Allow her to join and mingle with  her co- friends,giving speeches and stage shows in the schools,so that she will be habituated to move in the society freely in the near by future.
  • Not only physical beauty ,but the posture ,behaviour and the mental beauty,lending a hand to those in need will also counts in the beauty.And this should be made a part and parcel of the life from childhood which add points generously,to the physical beauty. 
  • By giving her the extra care and attention from her childhood the child will be grown up with a self discipline,in to a gorgeous young lady  with confidance ,like a lady in Raja ravivarmas paintings.
Articles on bringing up the children.



Butter milk-2 cups
(buttermilk of a day before)
Salt to taste
Oil 2 to 3 tsp
Mustard seeds 1/2 tsp
Methi seeds 1/4  tsp
Red chilli 1 no ( slits)
Green chillie 4 to 5 nos(slits)
Onion 1 no small(chopped finely)
Hing a pinch

Curry leaves a few.
Take either 2 cups of curds or 2 cups of butter milk in a bowl.
Add salt to it,and keep aside.
Place a pan,on the stove for seasoning.
Add oil to it,after heating add mustard seeds,methi seeds,red and green chilli slits
and chopped onion pieces,curry leaves and hing,saute well.
Remove from fire after done,and mix well the curds ,and serve with rice.
This can be done  with  butter milk.
A substitute which can be made of rasam..In our families we substitute this for rasam......


A prasadam made with coarse rice,to Lord Vigneswara, especially on Vinayaka Chavithi,in the month of Bhadrapada masam.A unique festival which all children participate and celebrate with their parents.
The easiest prasadam to do.The measurements i give will be very lessmostly sufficient for a person,you can make double if u want to.
Rice Nuka(biyyam ravva) 1 cup

Channa daal(washed well and soaked before 3 hours)
Oil 2 tsp
Salt to taste
Jeera 1/4 tsp
Place a kadai on the stove  add 2 1/2 cups of water,and 2tsp of oil,salt and soaked channa daal and let it boil.After it boils,then reduce the stove flame to low and now slowly add the biyyam nuka slowly,stirring well.Add the total 1 cup of biyyam nuka,and place a lid and let it simmer,occasionally stirring.
After it gets cooked,switch off the stove let it remain aside and let it cool.
After it gets cool, now make balls,and place the undrallu in an idli stand,and cook just as you cook idli(cooking is done on water vapour).
Switch off the stove after 5 mins.
Serve with coconut chutney
Even though it can be eaten after the balls are made,no need of cooking like idli.Thats why 2 1/2 cups of water are added.But some people add only 2 cups of water instead of 2 1/2 cups,and after making balls they cook them as they cook for  idlis .Depends .
This recipe is from my sister  padmas kitchen....


Moong daal 1 cup
(Green moong daal,washed well ,soak for 2 hrs,and drain well without water.)
Ginger 1"piece chopped finely(
Green chillie 4 to 6 nos (slits)
Dhania powder 1/2 spoon
Jeera powder 1/2 spoon
Onion 1 no
(chopped finely)
rice flour or corn flour
2 tsp for binding
Salt to taste
Wet grind the moong dal along with(half qtys of the ginger and chillie pieces)  ginger slits and green chilli slits and salt to thick paste,adding very less water.
Remove in to a bowl.
Add finely chopped onion pieces and the remaining half qty of ginger and green chilli slits.
Mix well,lastly add jeera,and dhania powders..
Place a kadai with oil for deep frying,and deep fry the moongdaal vadas.
Serve hot with tomato sauce.

This is a easy dish can be made within 15 minutes with moong daal batter.


Monday, May 3, 2010


  • Beetroot
  • Grated Coconut(optional)
  • Salt- To taste
  • Red chilli powder

  • Mustard seeds
  • Jeera
  • Chana dal
  • Oil
  • Red chillies-2


  • Peel the skin of beetroot and boil them in lightly salted water.
  • When done let them cool down and cut into small bite sized pieces and keep aside.
  • Place a saute pan on medium flame, add some oil to it and add chana dal, red chillies, jeera, mustard seeds and let the seed splutter.
  • Add the beet root pieces to the pan,  add salt (if necessary) and add red chilli powder and stir them.
  • You can add little grated coconut just before you switch off the heat. This is optional.
  • Coconut adds a lot of flavor and authentic south Indian flare to it.

Bendakay Kura/ Okra curry

  1. Okra
  2. Tomatoes- 2 no.s
  3. Dhania Powder -1 Tb spn
  4. Jeera Powder- 1 Tb spn
  5. Salt- To taste
  6. Red Chilli powder- 1/2 Tb spn
For Seasoning:
  • Mustard seeds
  • Jeera
  • Oil

  • Take a pan, put some oil and add the seasoning. (Jeera and Mustard seeds)
  • After it starts spluttering add tomato piece and cook until it is soft
  • Now add cut bendi/okra and also add jeera, coriander, red chilli powder, salt to that.
  • Cook it on medium flame and keep stir them in the middle so that okra is not burnt.
  • When it is done switch off the stove.
  • And serve them with rotis/ rice.

Tip   :
  • Never cook okra with its lid closed. Always cook them with out lid. If needed you can close the lid and cook for the last 5 minutes.
  • You can substitute tomato with amchur/ dry mango powder.