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Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Gummadikaya attu
Boodidha Gummadikaya or White pumpkin slits -4 cups
Pumpkin washed thoroughly and made in to thin and small slits of 1" size
Then apply salt,and place in a cloth napkin and squeeze well,or keep it under
a heavy weight box,on the kitchen platform,very near to wash basin .So that

the water which oozes from the pumpkin slits will go in to the wash basin directly,
thus not making the platform shabby

Urad daal -1 cup
Before making the attu,wet grind the urad dal,by adding less water in to a paste.
Wash & soak for 4 hrs
Greenchillies 6 nos
crushed into a paste.
Red chillie powder 1 tsp
Salt to taste
Hing powder a pinch
Oil for shallow frying
Place the pumpkin slits from  which the water is  squeezed in to a bowl,then add
the grinded urad dal mixture in to it.
Mix well then add the crushed green chilli paste,redchilli powder,salt and hing well.
So that every thing will be mixed well,and now the pumpkin mixture is ready.
Place a tawa on the stove ,add 1 tsp oil after heating,and place 1/2 cup of the pumpkin
mixture on the tawa and spread it a little,add 1 to 2 tsp oil and shallow fry.
Serve hot either with rice or tomato sauce.

Where as if this material is deep fried in oil it is called Gummadikaya Pachhi Vadiyam.
Place a kadai on the stove,add oil for deep fry,and after heating ,deep fry this batter in to medium sized vadiyams.It absorbs much oil so place on a tissue paper before serving.


Chaitra said...

asalu idhi mana Andhra Pizza

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