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Thursday, May 13, 2010

Fengshui is called as chinese vaasthu .These days most of us  are following fengshui tips.In my observation,though the vasthu is a little imperfect, and when it is impossible and very expensive to alter,then i choose fengshui as a remedy.It helps to some extent.Normally in the shops where the fengshui items are available,there are many varieties of fengshui objects and we can follow them.

  • According to fengshui,the  Southeast corner(agneyam mula  in telugu) in the house is considered as wealth and goodluck corner.Dont keep this corner dark without light.Atleast in the nights maintain a bulb in the south east corner. 
  • Keep 2 idols of roaring lions,in the two sides of main gate.Or atleast idols of cement can be carved on the gate.Last but not the least,paste 2 posters of roaring lions ,coz according to fengshui ,these roaring lions  protect the wealth ,and dont allow the evil forces to enter the house.
  • Place the picture of 9 running horses ,in the south block of the house,the fame and recognition part of the house.Surely your name and fame(keerthi prathishtalu) will be improved.
  • The career and oppurtunities causing part of your  house,in the North direction,place a small bowl with water.The other option is stick a poster of water ,running water or water fountain,without stones,in the north part.A good  change will be there in your career.
  • Dont keep or stick any posters relating to rivers,sea scapes,and water related pictures in the Bedroom.
  • Generally the place in the north will be more spacious and large when compared to the south in our indian vaasthu,the constructions are done according to this rule.So never use,the place in the north, as a dumpyard or storage of clutter ,or old articles.Keep it scruplously clean and vacant,coz that is the  career and oppurtunities part of the house.
  • Donot store sweeping brooms,etc clutter in the back of the doors.Coz according to fengshui the doors are to be opened fully without any obstructions.
  • Regularly do oiling to the screws and bolts of the doors and windows.There should not be any sounds while opening and closing of doors,coz the sounds obstruct the good luck .
  • No plants are to be placed in bed rooms.
  • Generally the slippers or slipper stands are kept in the  entrance of the door.This doesnot bring good luck according to chinese vaasthu.According to fengshui ,the CHI ,the good energy of luck ,will enter the house and travel inside from above the slippers and  shoes etc (if shoes are kept there)carrying the negative odour, which is not a good luck.Place the shoes and slippers away from the entrance of the house,and welcome the wealth and good luck in to your house.
  • The Tv s are not to be placed in the bedrooms,but it is not possible to each and every body.So after switching off the tv cover it with a thick plastic sheet and not with a cloth.
  • According to fengshui,the Good Luck CHI which enter your house,will retain in the water and remain there.So maintain scented flowers in flower vases, or  fish acquariums,or  water fountains, by which you change the water occasionally.
  • http://fengshui.about.com/
These are some of the tips to be performed according to fengshui  for a better and quality living.


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