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Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Curds is a good substitute which develops the immune system thus making the person neutralize to the agents in the body which causes diseases.
It controls the yeast infections in ladies.
The Vit-B available in curds relieves a person from stress and strain.
When curds are used for food,it immediately relieves from tensions and tiredness.
Delays the degeneration of the body.Purifies blood.
Curds eradicates diseases like parkinsons and cancers that occur in old age
Keeps digestive system healthy.
But curds when eaten in large quantities it leads to digestive problems.
For health problems like diarrhoea and dysentries,its a good medicine when used with rice.
Keeps the mind alert and protects the mucous lining of the stomach.
So fresh curds in limited quantities is always useful to a body to maintain proper health.
Obese persons can take curds and water in the ratio of 1:4.
As a beauty aid, curds can be used as face packs and also hair conditioner.
It is a rejuvenator of entire body system as it destroys the toxins in the body and improves general well being .


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