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Sunday, May 30, 2010

Materials required:
Cooked Rice-2 cups
The rice and water should be in 1:2 ratio
Tamarind-size of a  big lime
Oil-4tbspsfor seasoning
Green chillis6 to 7(slits)
Red chillies 4 nos
made into slits
Ginger 1/2 "piece
finely chopped
Haldhi a pinch
Curry leaves
Mustard seeds-1 tsp
Methi seeds a pinch
Hing a pinch
Red chilli powder 1/4 th tsp
Methi powder 1/4 th tsp
Sugar 1/4 th tsp
Channa daal 1 tbsp
Urad daal 1 tbsp
Jeera 1/2 tsp
Cashew or ground nuts 2 tbsp
First of all soak tamarind in hot water and extract pulp from it,do this 1 to 2 times extra so that the juice is fully extracted from the pulp. Place a pan on the stove and add 1tbsp of oil,after heating add redchilli slits,hing ,haldhi,finely chopped ginger pieces, next add tamarind pulp and after that onefourth tsp of redchilli powder,sugar,methi powderand salt.Cook in a low flame,see that it boils and the tamarind pulp becomes a thick consistant paste.(See that all the water is evaporated)Swich off the stove and let it cool.
Cook rice is cooked seperately.Then after it is cooked ,place the rice in a seperate flat bottomed bowl,spread it and mix a pinch of haldhi and salt and 1 tbsp oil,and  mix evenly.See that by mixing speedly the rice is not mashed,and see that the rice grains remain seperately,dryly un mashed.
Then mix the tamarind paste and rice together(donot add the whole tamarind paste,first of all add 1 to 2 tbsp,then adjust according to your taste,by tasting it)
Next place a pan and add 2 tbsp of oil,and after heating add channa daal,urad dal,mustard seeds,a pinch of methi seeds,green chilli slits,jeera,hing and again a few curry leaves.After spluttering,switch off then add this seasoning to the tamarind rice and mix well.Taste it and adjust the sourness,and place  in a serving bowl.Allow it to settle for 2 hrs,the sorness will be settled and it tastes good.

The remaining tamarind paste can be stored in a dry glass bottle,after it is completely cooled.Store in a fridge
and it stays fresh for atleast 20 days.
A tbsp of sesame seeds along with one redchilli should be dry roasted,make it in to powder and mix it in tamarind rice.It tastes yummy.


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