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Thursday, May 20, 2010


When the child starts suffering with cough and wheezing do accupressure,give luke warm water first,and apply the oil prepared by harathi karpuram.

  • Let the children do atleast some of the Surya Namaskarams.
  • Pressurise the 2nd and 3rd finger tips of left hand(accu pressure)
  • Donot use sugar in the milk or food,use only patikabellam podi(sugar candy powder)
  • Mix turmeric powder and sugar candy powder, in the milk which they drink.
  • Can use buttermilk ,honey in their food.
  • In the nights donot give them rice,instead of rice feed them with coarse wheat(godhuma ravva) upma.
  • Let them not eat choclates and icecreams and drink ice water..
  • Lastly,Mix harathi karpuram (a small lump)in to 2 ounces or 50 ml of coconut oil and store it in a bottle.Lightly heat 2 spoons of oil to luke warm,in a small cup and apply on the front and back of the child.
  • Wash and dry the fruits of Ravi chettu (ravi pandlu) and powder them.Mix same ratio of sugar candy powder in it and store it.For children from 6 months to 3 years mix 2 to 3 pinches of this powder with honey and let them eat.The children who use this will get good memory,and be active.It reduces asthma in the children, and makes healthy the normal children who doesnt have asthma.Even elders can takehalf a spoon of this powderwith half spoon of honey as medicine.
Source-Yelchuri ,HYD
Z Telugu TV Channel


anamika said...

Nice tips:)

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