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Monday, May 3, 2010


  • To improve the eye lashes apply pure castor oil to the eye lashes,1 to 2 drops at bed time.
  • Massage wrinkled elbows every day at bedtime with a good moisturizer or baby oil to make it soft,smooth .
  • Massage face and neck every night at bedtime with a good moisturizer  or baby oil to make it soft,smooth and glowing.
  • If the skin around the heels become hard and cracked ,scrub your heels with a pumice stone using soap and water.Lastly wash and massage nicely with a vaseline.
  • To improve dry complexion, take a teaspoon of badam oil and mix with a half spoon of milk cream and lime juice.Apply every night before bed on face and neck.
  • To get cure from rough dry skin around the knees,elbows and heels,massage them regularly with castor oil.
  • In the winter or cool weather take oil bath to prevent your body from becoming dry.Put 1 tbsp of olive oil in your bath water along with a few drops of your favourite cologne. The skin will turn soft after the bath.


anamika said...

Reall nice tips Kanthi..

I will try the oil bathing tip in winters..I prefer massaging my self with olive oil before bath but next time i will do this too.

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