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Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Dosakaya Or cucumber -large to medium sized
(wash well,peel off then chop into small pieces)
Vankaya-1 no large
(Microwave the large sized vankaya for 20 min ,or roast with the skin on the top of the stove,after it is done,remove off from fire,and let it cool.
Then peel off the skin ,and check for pest if any,then after verifying that its totally clean,keep aside)
Tamarind paste-2 spoons
Salt to taste
Oil 2 tsp
Mustard seeds 1 tspoon
Methi seeds 1/2 tspoon
Red chillies 2 nos(slits)
Green chillies 6 nos
Turmeric powder a pinch
Add or reduce as per your taste
Garlic flakes a few

Place a pan and add oil,after it is heated ,add the seasoning items mustard,methi seeds,red chillies, green chillies ,then switch off after it is done.
Grind the seasoning along withgarlic,& tamarind paste,coarsely.
Then add the chopped dosakaya pieces ,and grind itfor a half minute.
Lastly add the salt and the roasted vankaya mixtureand corriander leaves and once again grind for a split of the second.
Mix well with hand and remove in to a bowl.
This chutney will be quite tasty when done coarsely.
But for elder people,and those suffering with teeth problems,the chutney can be done into a paste form smoothly.

This one is experimented by my sister padma..


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