Wednesday, June 9, 2010


  • MEDITATION-JAPAM -RELAXATION TECHNIQUES : The people who work the whole day ,strained by work,or feeling depresive,or suffering from  mental stress,then the remedy is nothing but meditation,dhyanam or japam. When the stress and strain increases in the body then by giving it a type of sleep or rest both physically and mentally solves the health problem.Meditation means to send a thinking mind to a deeper state of relaxation or awareness and has been practising since antiquity.Persons who are in big positions ,Business magnets ,executives and officials,observe ralaxation techniques, relax their minds often do yoga and regular meditations,or it would be a big  loss to the nation due to the wrong decisions.
  • VITAMIN -C:Include vitamin -C in your diet.Vitamin C rich foods such as sweet lime,lime,tomato,aloo,leafy veg such as thotakura,palakura,menthi kura,bachhali kura,chukkakura,gongura,kothmeer,guava,apple ,pomogranate,amla,velaga, should be eaten daily.Vitamin- C intake reduces eye related problems,brain related problems,and health probs which occur in diabetics.Unhealthiness regarding mental ability will be checked by releasing Anti stress hormone.Checks obesity,improves blood count,bones and teeth development.Cures scurvy disease in teeth problems,gives complexion to the skin,and develops the immunity system in thebody. Compulsory intake of Vit-C eradicates in  the body.
  • Check an eyespecialist and also have a diabetic  test.As soon as you cross 35 years of age check your eye specialist ,have an eyetest.Also have an blood test relating to sugar.
  • When you are tired of reading or office work, then just have a cup of tomato juice with a spoon of sugar.In within a few min of time,your brain works sharply.


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