Monday, June 7, 2010

Regarding the section of jewels iam posting it in beauty section coz this is also interesting topic after beauty to the women.

  • Jewels and ornaments under  proper care will lasts for generations
  • Every now and then donot polish the ornaments.In a glass of water add  2 tsp surf powder ,and place the ornaments or chains  in it for a few hours,then clean(rub) it with a brush .Then store them by wiping them dry with a soft cloth.
  • Silver articles can be cleaned by rubbing them with tooth paste or kunkudu kaya rasam,or sabeena vim powder.
  • Ensure proper care to be taken with pearl sets.Pearls can be worn in winters or cold months. Dont wear in hotsummers when sweating will be more.Pearl sets should never be exposed to (drain with)water.
  • Preserve pearls seperately in a box with satin lining cloth.When pearls are exposed to hair oils or scents they loose their shine.Place a few pepper corns in the box where pearls are stored,coz they remove the moisture.
  • Pearls after they are worn ,before storing wipe them with a soft cloth to remove the sweat odour. 


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