Wednesday, July 28, 2010

For tomato bajji the recipe is the same as we do it for normal bajji.But instead of aratikaya or aloo slices i used the whole tomato .And moreover the batter we use for this tomato bajji should be thicker than we use for aratikaya bajji.
A  half tsp of chilli powder can be added to the batter.
Besan powder 1 cup
Rice flour 1/4 cup
redchilli powder 1 tsp
soda bi carb a pinch
Tomatoes should be firm and well washed
Mix all these materials in a bowl and add water in low quantities.The bajji batter should be thick just like idli batter.If reqd add 1 tbsp more,water.
Now place oil in a kadai for deep frying,after the oil gets hot, and ready for deep frying.Then dip tomatoes one by one in the batter,and place in the kadai of hot oil slowly.Deep fry till brown in med heat,and slowly place on a tissue paper.
After preparing tomato bajjis,let them cool a bit,and slowly cut into half with the ends intact,and slowly stuff chopped onion mixture.
For stuffing onion pieces ,chop finely onion into small pieces,add chilli powder,salt and lime juice and stuff it.


Satya said...

love this tomato bajji ...looks so tempting ...very nice click kanthiji makes me drooling here


kitchen queen said...

very innovative idea of use of tomato in bajji.looks yummy.

Priya said...

Woww bajji with tomatoes sound very interesting and delicious..

Krishnaveni said...

Interesting baji, looks so good

Harman said...

very interesting!

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