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Sunday, April 18, 2010

*A good Beauty Mask can be made by mixing a table spoon of Bengal gram flour(sanaga pindi) with half spoon of Orange Peel Powder and one Table spoon of Curds and one tsp of Olive oil.Mix well and apply to the face.Let it remain  till it gets a  bit  dry.Then rub your face with your hands in Upward directions(Nalugu pettinatlu) till it glows.Lastly wash the face with luke warm water,and lastly with cool water.
*For a Perfect flawless skin ,steam it first after washing the face.And cleanse it with a cleanser,wipe it Dry
with a soft Tissue.Then apply a tsp of Olive oil mixed with 1/4 spoon of Lime juice.Let it remain for 20 mins
and Wash with Cool water.
* To improve from a dark complexion mix a spoon of Besan powder ,a pinch of Haldhi, and a few drops of Lemon juice and a few drops of Milk.Apply to the Face and leave for 30 mins and Wash.
*Apply Olive oil on the Hands every day.The Nails will be improved.
*For Chapped Lips massage them every night with Baby oil,or Cold Cream or Vaseline or atleast Ghee.


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