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Friday, April 2, 2010

The body oils turn the body into greasy secreting more oils especially in the Summer.
1.Avoid going outside from morn 10 am to eve 4 pm.If at all its unavoidable to go outside then wear Cool Cottons and Sun Glasses.
2.Protect your skin by using a sunscreen lotion, and also carry one with you .Wash the face frequently and apply every 2 to 3 hours.
3.Drink lots of water and also always carry water bottles with u to meet the defficiency of the water loss through Sweating.
4.To remove the blocked durt from your skin pores,steam the face for 5 min for Dry skin,and 10 mins
for Oily skin.
5.For Sun Tan apply Water Melon juice,Cucumber juice mixed in equal ratios,should be applied to the face.
6.A few drops of Rose water if applied to the face, or mixed with water with which the face is washed,gives relief from Sun Heat.


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