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Monday, March 29, 2010

A SIMPLE STUFFED BRINJAL : There are 5 to 6 varieties in stuffed brinjals curries.Here is one of the easiest stuffed brinjal variety .Its the easist and fastest stuffed brinjal curry.When we are in a hurry or just arrived from a vacation this is the easist curry we can make in a few minutes.alaets have a look at the ingredients we use.
Brinjals-250 gms
Onions- 2 nos
Oil -3 to 4 tsp
Red chillie powder-3 tsp
Jeera 1 tsp
Salt to taste
Slit the brinjals in to4 parts,as we cut for stuffed brinjal curry.Then mix Chillie powder,Salt,and Jeera, and stuff in to the brinjals.
Place a Kadai on the Stove in ,add oil ,when the oil in the kadai heats,slowly add the stuffed brinjals and onions slits, and also sprinkle 2 to 3 pinches of mixed chillie powder on it.cook in a low fire,with the lid.By placing the lid on the kadai,the brinjals will be cooked faster and tender with the help of water vapour.
Remove from the fire after its cooked.I t takes a few mins 20 mins on a low flame.And it needs no attention.
By placing the lid and the kadai in a low flame,the cooking will be carried out smoothly without any tension.
Ideal for Rice and Chhappathis.


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