Tuesday, October 12, 2010

I experimented preparing of jam with star fruit ,it was sour sweet n yummy which children love with bread/dosas/rotis or even puris..
Star fruit - 1 cup
Chopped into pieces
Sugar 1 cup
for more sweetness 2 cups totally
Ghee 2to 3  tsp
Take 1 cup of chopped starfruit pieces and grind it into a paste,(do not add water),as the fruit itself has a lot of juice init.Place a microwave safe bowl and place 1 tsp of ghee in it,thenafter heat in a microwave for 30 seconds.
Then remove it outside and add the starfruit pulp/paste and microwave for 2 min in high.
Then remove it outside and add sugar and again microwave it for 6 min.Mean while mix it for every 2 minutes.
Then remove from microwave mix well and add 1 tsp of ghee.Then  micro wave it for 3 minutes in 40%(360)
Remove and mix well,and microwave it at 20% for 2 min.
Remove it from oven and mix well..
Totally  it takes 13 minutes..
If u add more sugar microwave it for another minute more..


Nitha said...

looks great...

VineelaSiva said...

Wow jam with star fruit very innovative.

Santosh Bangar said...

nice and yummy jam

Priya said...

Starfruit jam!!woww very unique..

aipi said...

Very innovative indeed...looks yum yum!

US Masala

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