Wednesday, December 15, 2010


  • Maida/ All Purpose flour - 2 cups
  • Baking powder - 1 Tbspn
  • Eating soda - 1 Tspn
  • Sugar - 1 1/4 cup
  • Vanilla essence - 2 Tspns
  • Cardamom/ Cinamon powder - 1 Tspn
  • Butter - 8 Tbspns/ 1/2 cup
  • Vegetable oil - 2 Tbspns
  • Salt - 1 pinch
  • Milk - 1 Cup
  • Banana - 3 no.s (pureed)
  • Whipped cream- For Icing
  • Raisins - 2 Tbspns
  • Flaked Almonds - 5 Tbspns
  1.  Preheat the oven to 350F.
  2.  Take maida in a bowl and add soda, baking powder, salt, sugar to it. Mix well.
  3.  Add milk to the above dry ingredients and whisk it with the hand grinder.
  4.  Add butter, vegetable oil to this content and mix it for 5 mins.
  5.  Add the essence, cinnamon/ cardamom powder, pureed banana to the content.
  6.  Lastly add the dry fruits(here I am using almond flakes and raisins. You can replace them with walnuts, cashews as per your taste.)
  7. Now take the baking bowl, grease it with butter or spray oil and sprinkle little coat of dry flour to the bowl.
  8. Take the batter and pour it into the baking sheet. Remeber to allow the raising space in the bowl, meaning, Only fill the baking sheet to half the depth so that it can have space to raise and batter won't fall down in the oven raising.
  9. Now place the baking sheet in the oven and bake it for 35 mins. 
  10. Make sure it is baked properly by placing the knife or toothpick when poked should comeout clean.
  11. You can also eat it as is without icing or you can also ice it to enhance the taste and presentation.
For Icing: You can use whipped cream or any frosting that is readily available in groceries. We have to apply icing only when the cake is completely cooled. I applied it with a knife and you can sprinkle coconut flakes(dry) on it.

1. You can adjust the consistency by adding little more milk.
2. Egg eaters can use 2 eggs and reduce the milk.
3. Here I replaced the egg with banana and milk. You can also use flax seeds powder, condensed milk, apple sauce etc. But cakes that uses the eggs are even more fluffier and soft.
4. The baking time varies from oven to oven. So examine it carefully to see it is not overbaked. If overbaked it may not be soft.
5. Make sure that it have enough raising space in the baking bowl. As in, don't fill the sheet till its brim.

Source:The cake is straightly from  Sris kitchen..


R said...

it looks so perfect all frosted and ready to be eaten. the cardamom flavor holds special attraction for me in this recipe, nice!

aipi said...

Awesome looking cake..soft n moist, love the different flavors you used in it!!
Why don't you send it to the banana event going on on my site :)

US Masala

Nisha said...

Awesome cake

Santosh Bangar said...

erfect banana cake looing soft and moist

kitchen queen said...

lovely droolworthy spongy cake.

Kurinji said...

looks delicious...

Jay said...

looks yummy..will try sometime..:)
Tasty appetite

Anonymous said...

As usual,a delicious dish from you,looks fab.

Krishnaveni said...

wow, that's a fantastic cake, looks so pretty

Alisa said...

It looks delicious! You did a great job with this.

Hari Chandana said...

Lovely and perfect cake.. awesome clicks kanthi garu.. thanks for sharing !!

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